Ariana is sophomore English major who just transferred to ASU this semester. She also is one of 68 students in the AFFCF Scholarship program this fall. We asked for her thoughts on attending university in this time of COVID-19. Here’s what she had to say:

The transition back to school has been tough. I was in quarantine from spring break to just the beginning of school, and the adjustment between the two feels like I have been thrown into pure chaos.

Finding motivation to do my school work has been hard. Honestly, just getting out of bed some days is hard. With the state of the world right now, it’s hard to be positive and care about life. It is honestly hard to do anything right now.

School in the Time of Covid

One of the biggest hardships I am facing is simply not being on campus. I am a sophomore this year. I spent my entire freshman year figuring out my study style: when and where is the best time to do homework and everything else related to being a college student.

Thanks to COVID-19, this year I have to throw ALL of those things out of the window. Everything is different which means I must readjust everything about my academics and studying.

“I never would have thought I’d need to worry about wearing masks, social distancing, and whether or not I remembered to bring sanitizer.”

Ariana, AFFCF Scholar

Through all of this, life keeps chugging on (even if the world is literally on fire). Rent is due, I have an essay due next Monday and I have work tomorrow morning. Although I am settling into this new life of mine, I believe it will take a long while before I’m fully adjusted.

I never would have thought I’d need to worry about wearing masks, social distancing, and whether or not I remembered to bring hand sanitizer. I know I’ll get through this bizarre time because I have gone through a lot worse. It isn’t be easy. Yet, I am hopeful for the future and what is to come!

They Need You

COVID-19 has changed everything for everyone. College students who have aged out of foster care need our support even more. You can help these young men and women stay on track by making a Foster Care Tax Credit donation to the Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation. You can get a dollar-for-dollar credit on your Arizona state taxes, up to $500 for individuals and up to $1,000 for couples.  

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