Young people aging out of foster care without any assistance face greater barriers to leading independent successful lives. They often become unplugged from whatever little they had and end up disconnected from resources (education, employment, housing, etc.).
The Durfee Fostering Transition Fund supports Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation’s (AFFCF) Keys to Success and Post-Secondary programs. Designed specifically for youth experiencing foster care, these programs help fill the gaps in education, employment and housing services that allow them to successfully transition to adulthood and become productive members of our community.
By contributing to the Durfee Fostering Transitions Fund, you play a crucial role in transforming the lives of young people aging out of foster care each year. Your support empowers these youth by ensuring they have access to high quality education and employment resources, paving the way for their successful transition to independence and long-term stability.
When you donate to the Durfee Fostering Transitions Fund, every dollar you donate to Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation in Phoenix will be reimbursed through the AZ Foster Care Tax Credit. It’s really simple – you get what you donate back. Here’s how it works:
- Donate to AFFCF.
- Get a code for your donation (QFCO ID #10023/Tax ID #86-0468850).
- Give the code to your tax preparer.
- Get reimbursed dollar-for-dollar when you file your state taxes (i.e. If you owe money it will be applied toward the tax liability. If you don’t owe state taxes, the same amount you donate to AFFCF will get refunded to you by the State of Arizona!)
Easy! You win. Kids win. The maximum you can donate and get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit is $587 for individuals and $1,173 for couples.
Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation provides foster care support by closing critical funding and service gaps. AFFCF has more than 40 years of experience ensuring Arizona’s foster care population can participate in the same activities as their non-foster care peers, achieve self-sufficiency through employment, education, and housing programs and pursue post-secondary success.
Logan, Pauline and Tyler Durfee are surrounded by family and friends on Tyler’s adoption day.
Logan and Pauline Durfee always knew that they wanted to be parents. Like many couples, their journey took them down a slightly different path, the foster-to-adopt pathway to parenthood. Excited and nervous, they immediately began the licensing process to become foster parents. One day after receiving their foster care license, the phone rang. That was the day that Tyler, a precocious 18-month-old infant, walked into their lives and hearts forever. From the moment the toddler arrived at their house and grabbed Pauline’s hand, the Durfees knew this little boy was destined to be their son.
Not fully prepared for Tyler’s arrival, Logan and Pauline were overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from family and friends. It also made them realize that not all children in foster care would have this same supportive experience – a thought that continued to stay with them throughout the years.
From that initial moment when Tyler grabbed Pauline’s hand, Logan and Pauline knew that Tyler was special. At the age of four, Tyler posed a simple question to his parents, “What do kids at Phoenix Children’s Hospital do for Christmas?” After hearing his parents explain that some children needed to spend Christmas in the hospital, Tyler raced to his room and began collecting his own toys to give to children in the hospital. He even spent the $50 he had saved to buy toys so kids in the hospital could enjoy the holiday. With a heart as big as the ocean, Tyler decided he wanted to hold a toy drive every year. His compassion for helping other children and youth only grew as he got older, cementing the foundation for the Durfee Fostering Transitions Fund.
Now at 12 years of age, both Tyler and his parents want to focus their attention on supporting youth in foster care across their community. Their goal is simple – to help youth in foster care experience stable, meaningful connections while providing critical access to opportunities that foster their success and independence. Partnering with Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation (AFFCF) through the Durfee Fostering Transitions Fund, enables them to accomplish their goal.