In January 2021, we highlighted one of our AFFCF scholars, Amanda, a modern language major at Northern Arizona University. At the time, Amanda was preparing to study abroad in France at Université Savoie- Monte Blanc for the Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 semesters. She took some time to update us on her study abroad experience:
“I had a great first semester and passed all my classes at the Université Savoie- Monte Blanc. Unfortunately, there were not enough students to make an in-person class for my level this summer. Instead, I am working online and continue to practice my French.
New Experiences
It’s lovely here in Savoie. I have made a lot of friends, celebrated my birthday and explored many new places! In the photos, the red and white crest is the emblem for Savoie.
Scenes from a Study Abroad Experience

Thank You
Thank you for the care package full of snacks! It was very comforting to have something from “home” and I am very grateful.”
Support Our Scholars
Amanda is one of 54 students in our scholarship program and this month AFFCF will consider an additional 22 scholarship applications. Without the scholarship, many youth would not have the means to pursue their educational dreams. You can support these young men and women by making a foster care tax credit donation to Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation. Even better, you can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your Arizona state taxes, up to $500 for individuals and up to $1,000 for couples. Please consider a donation today!