The Best Ways to Help Support Youth in Foster Care

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Children and youth in foster care have a number of unique needs. Often, these children do not have the family support they need to increase their odds of success in life. Connecting and engaging with youth in foster care, however, can help them not only have more fun but also have higher levels of social and academic success.

That doesn’t mean that you have to host foster children in your own home, though that is certainly a much-needed opportunity to give back.

Here are some of the ways Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation offers support to youth in foster care.


There are a number of possible activities that kids in foster care can engage in, including:

  • Dance programs like Dance Republic, Danswest Dance, All Starz Academy of Gymnastics and Dance, or Arizona Sunrays Gymnastics and Dance all of which give kids a creative outlet for expression
  • Choirs and performing arts options, including Arizona Girlchoir, Desert Sun Performing Arts, and Inspire Music Service Hope, which let kids have creative expression opportunities
  • Coding classes like those offered by Learn2Code, which can help set kids up for success in their future endeavors
  • Music lessons, including those offered by Surprise Academy of Music, Gen Society Music Lessons, or Cognitutor, LLC

Kids can also have fun with a variety of swim lesson opportunities across Arizona, get away for a few days at camps like the Royal Family Kids Camp, Run Home Camps, or Rise Athletics Camps, or check out sporting opportunities through programs like those offered through DePalma’s Team USA Martial Arts, i9 Sports Greater Phoenix, or Glory Sports and Combat Fitness. Adults interested in helping kids and youth in foster care can support those programs by volunteering, coaching, or offering financial support that can help them bring in more youth.


Financial literacy is key for kids in foster care who want to experience greater success later in life. Programs like Keys to Success can ensure that kids understand how to manage their finances effectively. They can learn skills like budgeting, saving, and money management, all of which can prove invaluable when they age out of the foster care system. Financially supporting the program can prove incredibly rewarding for adults who are interested in helping kids in the system.


When kids age out of the foster care system, they often do not have families to fall back on for either physical or financial support when emergencies arise. Frequently, they need help to locate the resources they need to manage on their own and, ultimately, succeed in life. The Focus Forward Fund is designed to offer emergency financial assistance to post-secondary students with foster care backgrounds for auto repair, rent and utilities so they can stay in school and complete their college or vocational education.

The program also offers help with vocational tuition fees, technology, books, and the other things students need to help them get a successful start in life. The Focus Forward program allows youth to apply for assistance in specific categories each quarter.

Financially supporting programs like the Focus Forward program gives youth in foster care more opportunities once they age out of the system.

There are also scholarships for foster students, which further help provide the funds needed to attend and stay in college.


Your support, whether financial or through volunteer hours, can make a huge difference for kids in the foster care system. By choosing a program to get involved with, you can transform lives, provide opportunities, and allow kids and teens more confidence that they will be successful.

Reach out today to AFFCF to learn more about how you can assist Arizona’s youth in foster care.

Image Credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock