After years of long, hard work, youth in the AFFCF Keys to Success and Scholarship programs graduated from high schools, community colleges and universities across the state in June. Their accomplishments cannot be overstated. The high school graduation rate for students in foster care in Arizona is just 33% and it falls to 28% if the youth has a learning disability. Less than three percent of youth transitioning out of foster care will go on to earn a bachelor’s degree.

With the support of the LoveUp Foundation and the Scottsdale 20/30 Club, the Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation recently celebrated graduation for youth in our Keys to Success and post-secondary scholarship programs. In total, we celebrated 51 young people who have graduated, earned a GED or will graduate this summer. Click here to donate and make a difference today!

We are so proud for them and of them. Here’s to the 2021 Graduates:

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