Books About Foster Care for New Foster Parents

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Growing up is already hard enough. You have teenage crushes, pimples, hormones, and math to deal with. These things can be a lot to handle. But imagine if you’re a child in foster care and you’ve been placed in a house with strangers. That’s going to be a lot to take on.

Top 5 Foster Care Books for Parents

That could be what your child will feel once they get placed with you. Fortunately, authors have written tremendously on this situation, providing parents insight on what to expect. Here are the top 5 books we recommend for foster parents.

Another Place at the Table by Kathy Harrison.

This is a non-fiction piece that explores how largely thankless the task of being a foster parent is and how compassion can play a crucial role in making a difference and building hope in children’s lives.

Reframing Foster Care by Jason Johnson

If you are looking for a religious reframing of the conversation, then this is a good book to hold on to. With thoughtfully-written reflections on foster parenting, this book does an excellent job of reminding you why you took on the challenge in the first place.

The Connected Child by Dr. Karyn Purvis

Taking on kids is already a challenge. But it’s almost double or triple the work when you take in at-risk foster youth. For adoptive parents who face unique challenges in welcoming your children into the family, this is a useful book to help you connect with your child.

Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew by Sherrie Eldridge.

This gives you a good account of what your kids think and how you can handle tricky, even difficult situations, in ways that will bring everyone in the family closer.

Born Broke: An Adoptive Journey by Kristin Berry.

Children who are affected by abuse respond to the world differently. And it can be difficult to love them. This book gives you plenty of insights into what you and your family will face if you take on the challenge—the isolation and depression along with the rewards. 

Get Help As An Arizona Foster Parent

Know more when you talk to professionals and other experts in the field. Reach out to a foster care organization like the Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation in Phoenix for helpful resources and information about how to nurture and raise foster children. Donate to make a difference in child’s life today.