When Maylani enrolled in the Keys to Success program last November, she had no birth certificate or any other vital documents. She was far behind in school and needed help getting back on track and making plans for her future.
Roadblocks to Success
Like so many other youth in the program, Maylani’s main roadblock to success was a lack of support to get her vital documents, enroll in online high school or to get the items she needed to begin building a better tomorrow for herself. Another roadblock popped up when the group home where she was living shut down.
It would have been easy for Maylani to give up. But she didn’t. She managed to find her own kinship placement. With her career development and employment development specialists advocating for her, she was able to toss those roadblocks aside. After a lot of back and forth, Maylani finally got her vital documents, including her birth certificate, and enrolled in online school. She’s doing great with her education and has decided that she’d like to be a veterinarian or work in the veterinary field. Now she’s looking to find a veterinary technician program to help her get one step closer to realizing her goals!
Eliminating Barriers
As the only program of its kind in Arizona, Keys to Success addresses the unique needs and challenges facing young people as they exit foster care and enter adulthood. We create systemic change at its root, one youth at a time by delivering intensive, individualized career planning, education and employment development services, as well as life skills services.
Keys to Success eliminates transportation barriers that typically prevent youth in care from receiving the support they need, bringing all program services to youth, wherever they are in the community. The work we do day-to-day has also become a tool for advocacy and created statewide policy and legislation changes that have had a meaningful impact on the lives of all youth in foster care.
Keys to Success eliminates transportation barriers that typically prevent youth in care from receiving the support they need, bringing all program services to youth, wherever they are in the community. The work we do day-to-day has also become a tool for advocacy and created statewide policy and legislation changes that have had a meaningful impact on the lives of all youth in foster care.
Investing and Strengthening Community
By donating to Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation, not only are you investing in young people, like Maylani, but you’re also investing in strengthening your community. Your gift can also qualify for the Arizona Foster Care Tax Credit. When you donate by the 2022 tax filing deadline, you can apply the tax credit toward your 2022 state taxes. Please be sure to consult your tax professional for more information.