Award Guidelines
See our comprehensive list of activities and items that AFFCF can fund for children in foster care in Arizona.
Below is a comprehensive list of activities and items that Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation can fund for children in foster care in Arizona. You can also download a copy of our brochure that provides guideline information as well as instructions on how to apply for an award from AFFCF [Download brochure]. The guidelines listed below are the most accurate and up-to-date.
Please remember AFFCF cannot reimburse for anything paid for prior to receiving approval for that specific request. AFFCF always needs to receive the completed application as well as the required response from the DCS caseworker (confirming the child is currently a dependent ward of the court in Arizona) and supporting documentation to send to our committee for its review. Supporting documentation needs to show the vendor, the cost and the length of the activity/class/lesson.
If the vendor is an individual rather than an organization, an IRS form W9 is also required.
What We Cannot Fund
- Applications requesting reimbursement for anything paid for prior to receiving approval
- Applications requesting payment of a past due balance for services rendered prior to receiving approval
- Children who have officially been adopted or are not currently wards of the court in Arizona
- Requests for youth who have reached age 21
- Receipts for reimbursement that show payment with a gift card. Gift card payments will be deducted from the reimbursement amount.
- Requests for reimbursement where receipts are dated more than 60 days from the approval date
- Airfare, family vacations or travel expenses (Merlin’s Magic Wand), birthday parties, gifts, food or toys (Arizona Helping Hands)
- Debt relief (i.e. home bills, utilities, etc.)
- Electronic equipment (computers, laptops, tablets, stereos, electronic games, TV, etc.)
- Furniture (i.e. beds, cribs, etc.) or home fixtures (Metro Phoenix: Arizona Helping Hands, Boost a Foster Family; Metro Tucson: More than A Bed)
- Memberships to a gym or community center
- Modeling or modeling/acting classes – high school program fees for drama class may be considered, as well as theater and performing arts education classes
- Any type of medical expense
- Passports
- Pool Fences (Boost A Foster Family)
- Services or benefits that are available from other public, private, or governmental agencies (daycare, preschool, counseling services, wheel chairs, healthcare, legal aid, etc.)
- Travel IDs
For more information on organizations that help with foster care, see our Resource Page.
- 16 – 20 years of age
- If 18 – 20 years, youth must be in extended foster care.
Documentation Requirements:
- Valid registration that is in youth’s name
- Receipt of service (if reimbursment, you must apply and receive approval prior to payment)
- Vendor name and quote (if direct pay)
Payout Guidance:
- One-time
- Reimbursement or direct pay to vendor (up to $1,000)
- 14 – 20 years of age
- If 18 – 20 years, youth must be in extended foster care.
Documentation Requirements:
- Receipt of purchase (You must apply and receive approval prior to purchase.)
Payout Guidance:
- One-time.
- Reimbursement only up to $500
- 14 – 20 years of age
- If 18 – 20 years, youth must be in extended foster care.
Documentation Requirements:
- Proof of payment for one month after the application date or one month before the application date.
Payout Guidance:
- Once per year
- Reimbursement only up to $350 annually
- Applicants can submit multiple requests up to the $350 annual allowance.
- 18 – 20 years of age and in extended foster care
Documentation Requirements:
- Documented evidence of new/active orthodontic treatment (Example: patient contract, patient treatment plan)
- Documented evidence of payment balance (Example: invoice with estimated cost of services)
Payout Guidance:
- One-time
- Up to $5,000 direct pay by check to vendor
The maximum AFFCF can consider for athletic equipment/uniforms is $200 ($100 for swimming lesson gear), which includes $100 maximum for shoes. Equipment is a separate type of request from sports registration. If AFFCF is not funding the activity for the child, supporting documentation is required to show that the child is actively participating in the sport.
Athletic (dance) Equipment/Uniform requests will be considered for sport/team/troupe specific equipment/uniform/costumes only, i.e., helmets, pads, cleats, team uniforms, karate gi/judo gi, dance shoes, recital outfit, etc. Items such as gym shoes, socks and general sports clothing may be requested under the category Supplemental Clothing. Requests for basketball hoops, soccer goals, volleyball nets, etc. cannot be considered.
Once approved, AFFCF sends a congratulations e-mail to notify the applicant that the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and the receipt mailed to AFFCF for reimbursement.
AFFCF can consider funding sports registration such as baseball, basketball, football or soccer. A separate application is required for equipment. Supporting documentation needs to show the length of the sport season as well as the vendor and the total cost for registration. The maximum amount AFFCF can consider funding is $125/month.
AFFCF can only consider funding the bicycle category (or the scooter, skates, or skateboard category) once per child within a two (2)-year period. AFFCF cannot consider more than two (2) bike (and/or scooter, skates, skateboard) requests per child total.
Ages 1-6:
$100-bike; $35-helmet/lock/training wheels = $135 total
Ages 7-13:
$150-bike; $50-helmet/lock = $200 total
Ages 14+:
$200-bike; $50-helmet/light/lock = $250 total
Once approved, AFFCF sends a congratulations e-mail to notify the applicant that the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and the receipt mailed to AFFCF for reimbursement.
The required supporting documentation submitted must show the length of the activity/class or lesson, as well as the total cost and the vendor. AFFCF can consider funding classes/lessons for one (1), two (2) or up to three (3) months at a time. Once the initial application is funded, renewals can also be submitted for a maximum of up to three (3) months at a time – as long as the child remains a current ward of the court in Arizona and wishes to continue. The maximum AFFCF can consider funding is up to $125 per month for an activity. Requests for costs exceeding $125 per month may be considered if the youth is required to participate in advanced training.
When it comes to funding ongoing activities, AFFCF can only fund one activity at a time per child. One activity would have to end in order for AFFCF to be able to consider funding a new activity. The only exception is swimming because it is prioritized as a survival skill. While there is no overall limit on the number of applications that can be submitted, AFFCF does have certain restrictions based on the type of request.
AFFCF can consider funding an instrument rental for one (1), two (2) or up to three (3) months at a time. Once the initial request is approved, renewals can also be submitted for a maximum of up to three (3) months at a time – as long as the child remains a current ward of the court in Arizona and wishes to continue renting the instrument. Supporting documentation must show the vendor, the instrument and the cost per month.
This category is considered on a reimbursement basis only. AFFCF cannot consider reimbursing for security deposits on musical instrument rentals. Be sure you have received your reimbursement approval email before paying.
AFFCF can only consider the cost of an instrument purchase if the youth has been participating in lessons for at least a year – whether the lessons are funded by AFFCF or not.
This funding category features the same requirements and restrictions as the process for bicycles.
AFFCF can consider funding the scooter, skates, skateboard category (or the bicycle category) one time per child within a two (2)-year period. AFFCF cannot consider more than two (2) scooter, skates, skateboard (and/or bicycle) requests per child total.
This category is for one of the following:
Scooters: $100 for scooter; $50 for helmet/pads = $150 total
Skates: $100 for skates; $50 for helmet/pads = $150 total
Skateboards: $100 for skateboard; $50 for helmet/pads = $150 total
Once approved, AFFCF sends a congratulations e-mail to notify the applicant that the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and the receipt mailed to AFFCF for reimbursement.
This funding category is restricted to youth in an unlicensed kinship placement. The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for a car seat is $125 per child. Once approved, AFFCF will send a congratulations e-mail to let the applicant know the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and receipt provided for reimbursement.
This funding category is restricted to youth aged 12 and under in an unlicensed kinship placement. The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for child care start up fees is $150 per child.
Requests for this category require dated documentation from the vendor showing the vendor’s name, child’s name, admin fee, ongoing fees, confirmation that the vendor is AZ-DHS licensed and AZ-DES contracted. Also required is a written statement (email) from the caregiver acknowledging that AFFCF cannot consider funding requests for ongoing childcare fees.
Requests in this category will be awarded by check to the vendor. AFFCF cannot consider funding requests for admin fees charged by childcare vendors who are individuals or who are not AZ-DHS licensed or AZ-DES contracted childcare providers.
high chair
This funding category is restricted to youth in an unlicensed kinship placement. The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for a high chair is $50 per child. Once approved, AFFCF will send a congratulations e-mail to let the applicant know the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and receipt provided for reimbursement.
This funding category is restricted to youth in an unlicensed kinship placement. The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for a pack’n play/playpen is $100 per child. Cribs are excluded from this category. Once approved, AFFCF will send a congratulations e-mail to let the applicant know the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and receipt provided for reimbursement.
This funding category is restricted to youth in an unlicensed kinship placement. The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for a stroller is $100 per child. Once approved, AFFCF will send a congratulations e-mail to let the applicant know the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and receipt provided for reimbursement.
Weighted vest/blanket
The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for a weighted vest or blanket is $100 per child. The child must not be less than 1-year-old and the blanket/vest must not weigh more than 10% of the child’s body weight. Once approved, AFFCF will send a congratulations e-mail to let the applicant know the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and receipt provided for reimbursement.
The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for books is $50 per child per year. AFFCF can only process one reimbursement, so all purchase receipts for the books must be provided to AFFCF at one time. Once approved, AFFCF sends a congratulations e-mail to notify the applicant that the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and the receipt mailed to AFFCF for reimbursement.
CPR/First Aid Training
AFFCF can consider funding a youth’s CPR or First Aid Training. Supporting documentation must show the name of the vendor and the cost.
AFFCF can consider funding a request for dual enrollment for high school youth to earn college credit for their college-level high school courses. The maximum time AFFCF can consider funding dual enrollment is on a per-semester basis so a new application must be submitted for each semester.
GED Testing Fee
AFFCF considers the funding limit for GED testing on an individual basis.
DCS funds up to $220 for high school graduation-related expenses, which includes cap, gown, ring, yearbook and other related expenses.
Supporting documentation for this funding category will show that the state allowance for graduation expenses has been applied for and completely utilized. AFFCF can only consider funding the request if the $220 maximum from the state has already been completely used.
The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for school pictures is $50 or senior pictures for $200.
Documentation will show the vendor name and cost.
AFFCF can consider funding trade/vocational program fees for youth who are still in high school. A program fee for a youth who has already graduated high school or received their GED is not eligible for this type of request—instead, they would need to fill out a scholarship application for consideration into AFFCF’s Post-Secondary Scholarship program. The maximum time AFFCF can consider funding school program fees is for an academic year, so a new application must be submitted for each academic year. If it is a two-year program, progress reports or grades also need to be provided to receive additional assistance.
Supporting documentation needs to show the name of the school, the name of the youth, the school year (or date), the fee amount, and what the fee is for.
The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for a school field trip is $450. A request for a church trip is considered the same, but a request for camp is a separate type of request.
Documentation will show the vendor name, cost of trip, trip dates, and itinerary.
The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for a school supplies is $50 per child per year. AFFCF can only process one reimbursement, so all purchase receipts for school supplies must be provided to AFFCF at one time. Once approved, AFFCF sends a congratulations e-mail to notify the applicant that the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and the receipt mailed to AFFCF for reimbursement.
Excludes computer equipment (computers, laptops, tablets, printers, etc.) and home office supplies (printer ink, file folders, etc.)
The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for a school yearbook is $75.
Documentation will show the vendor’s name and the cost.
DCS funds up to $165 for summer school/intersession courses. AFFCF can only consider funding the request if the $165 maximum from the state has already been completely used.
Documentation will show DCS summer school payment as well as the school name and dates of classes.
AFFCF can consider funding up to $400 per month for up to 2 hours per week of one-on-one tutoring. Requests for group tutoring cannot be considered. Tutoring applications are awarded via direct pay only. Requests for tutoring reimbursement cannot be considered.
On the initial application, please note the following requirements…
When the vendor is an AFFCF preferred partner…
Before applying, the applicant will contact one of AFFCF’s preferred tutoring partners to schedule an intake appointment. Following the appointment, the vendor will provide a Confirmed Services document to the applicant to be used as supporting documentation for the request.
When the vendor is not an AFFCF preferred partner…
Applicant will ask the vendor to fill out the Confirmed Services document to be attached to the application as supporting documentation.
If the tutoring vendor is an individual rather than an organization, AFFCF also requires a resume or CV showing the vendor is qualified to provide tutoring services (i.e., teaching certificate or degree in education). An IRS form W9 is also required for individual vendors.
For renewal applications for both preferred and non-preferred partner vendors (or when the initial Confirmed Services document is not available) …
The caregiver will contact the vendor for an updated Confirmed Services document which will include a description of the child’s progress made during the previous tutoring session with updated expected goals/outcomes.
AFFCF can consider funding a one-time only award to help furnish a youth’s first apartment or dorm room with items such as pots and pans, dishes, towels, shower curtains, rugs, cleaning supplies, lamps or small appliances like a toaster or microwave. These funds cannot be used for furniture or electronics. Once approved, AFFCF will send a gift card to the store the youth requests. Note: AFFCF is unable to get gift cards from Wal-Mart. Amazon or Target are preferred.
AFFCF requires a list of items and their individual cost along with the completed application. Typically, the youth will go online to Amazon or Target (or whatever store where they would like to use) and create a wish list showing the items and their cost. That wish list should be included as supplemental documentation. Applications for Apartment Set-Ups must be submitted by someone other than the DCS caseworker who will be confirming adjudication.
Receipt of purchase is required after approval. The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for an apartment set-up is $400 and $300 is the maximum for a dorm set-up. Receipts must be provided to AFFCF after the request is funded.
AFFCF can consider funding a bus pass for a youth’s transportation to school and/or work.
Bus passes for transportation to and from work can be considered for a maximum of two consecutive months.
Once approved, AFFCF sends a congratulations e-mail to notify the applicant that the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and the receipt mailed to AFFCF for reimbursement.
AFFCF can consider one request for one week of camp per child per year. Supporting documentation submitted must show vendor name, the length of the camp and the total cost. Applications for camp are considered on an individual basis. AFFCF cannot consider funding the cost for all the children in a group home to go to one session of camp at the same time, if the group home would close during that period. The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for camp is $425.
AFFCF can consider funding a maximum of $125 per month for a social club or group such as Scouts, Brownies, 4H, School Science Club, etc. The required supporting documentation must show the length of the membership as well as the total cost, the name of the club/group, and to whom payment is to be made.
Renewal applications (or applications for fees to a new club/group) can be considered based on the length of the initial membership. For example, if the initial membership is monthly/quarterly, a renewal can be considered in one (1)/three (3) month(s). If the initial membership is annual, a renewal can be considered in one year. AFFCF can consider one club or group per child at a time.
If a uniform or equipment is required for the club, please submit an application using the category Athletic Equipment/Uniforms.
AFFCF can consider funding a youth’s Food Handler’s card.
ethnic hair care
AFFCF can consider funding hair care services (and products associated with these services) for protective styles for natural hair such as braids, extensions, straw sets, and twists for African American hair care.
The application description needs to describe the service(s) being requested.
Haircuts and general or in-home hair care products, e.g., shampoo, conditioner, brushes, combs, etc., are excluded.
Approved applications will be awarded via direct payment to the vendor. If the vendor is an individual rather than an organization, an IRS form W9 is required. Requests for reimbursement cannot be considered.
The maximum amount AFFCF can fund is $100 one time per month.
AFFCF can consider optical expenses if documentation can be provided that displays the state will not fund the request.
Also required is documentation from the vendor showing the vendor name, youth name, items requested and the full cost.
A specific, individual need for the youth is required for consideration. AFFCF can consider funding a request for a renewal – based on the need.
Although AFFCF cannot fund orthodontia for youth under 18 years, there is a program called Smiles Change Lives that is a potential resource if the youth meets their requirements. If Smiles Change Lives approves the request, AFFCF can consider helping with the $650 program fee for the youth.
The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for prom-related expenses is $350. A request for the prom ticket itself is considered separate and documentation needs to be provided that displays the exact cost of the ticket. Once approved, AFFCF sends a congratulations e-mail to notify the applicant that the request has been approved and for what amount to the purchase can be made and the receipt mailed to AFFCF for reimbursement.
The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for special event/occasion clothing (8th grade graduation, quinceañera, etc.) is up to $150, which includes shoes and clothing. A request for supplemental clothing or prom-related is considered a separate type of request. Once approved, AFFCF sends a congratulations e-mail to notify the applicant that the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and the receipt mailed to AFFCF for reimbursement.
AFFCF can consider one application for supplemental clothing per child per year. We can process one reimbursement, so all the purchase receipts for the clothing must be provided to AFFCF at one time.
Ages 0-6 – $150
Ages 7-13 – $200
Ages 14+ – $250
Once approved, AFFCF sends a congratulations e-mail to notify the applicant that the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and the receipt mailed to AFFCF for reimbursement.
AFFCF can consider funding one request for theme park/event admission in Arizona per child per year. Any type of theme park or attraction (such as the zoo, aquarium, waterparks, museums, concerts, sporting events, skating shows, etc.) within Arizona applies. AFFCF can only consider funding the child’s admission. AFFCF cannot consider funding the cost of travel, lodging, parking, food, souvenirs or spending money. The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for the child’s admission is up to $50. Once approved, AFFCF sends a congratulations e-mail to notify the applicant that the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and the receipt mailed to AFFCF for reimbursement.
AFFCF can consider funding one request for theme park admission outside Arizona per child per year. The theme park must be outside of Arizona as local parks or attractions inside Arizona do not apply for this type of request. AFFCF cannot consider funding the cost of travel, lodging, parking, food, souvenirs or spending money. The maximum AFFCF can consider funding for the child’s admission is up to $225. Once approved, AFFCF sends a congratulations e-mail to notify the applicant that the request has been approved and for what amount so the purchase can be made and the receipt mailed to AFFCF for reimbursement.
AFFCF can consider funding a youth’s State ID or Birth Certificate for youth over the age of 18. AFFCF cannot consider passports or travel IDs for youth regardless of age.
My Child Is under 18, Can You Make an Exception for Orthodontia?
No exceptions are allowed, as these are criteria set forth by the Department of Child Safety.
I Applied for and Received an Award for Auto Repair, Can I Also Apply for Tire Purchase?
Per guidance from the Department of Child Safety, you must choose either auto repair or tire purchase. This is an one-time request per applicant.
My Youth Is under 18 and on My Cell Phone Plan, Can You Still Fund My Youth's Minutes?
Yes. You need to provide a copy of your bill that specifically details the youth’s cell phone number and fees.
Can You Fund Driver's Education Training?
The State of Arizona now pays for driver’s education training for youth in foster care. Be sure to speak with your youth’s DCS caseworker for more details.
Can I Request Funding for a Musical Instrument for My Child?
AFFCF can only consider the cost of an instrument purchase if the youth has been participating in lessons for at least a year – whether the lessons are funded by AFFCF or not.
Will AFFCF Also Fund Travel Expenses that Go Along with the Out-of-Arizona Theme Park Admission Award?
AFFCF does not pay for airfare, hotel stays, food or other travel expenses associated with the Out-of-Arizona theme park admission award. We suggest applying through Merlin’s Magic Wand for total travel and theme park expenses.
I Need Help Buying Birthday/Holiday Gifts for the Child(ren) in My Care. Can AFFCF Help with That?
AFFCF does not pay for birthday or holiday gifts, however we have several funding categories that can serve as gifts for your child including:
- Bicycles/Scooters/Skateboards/Skates
- Supplemental clothing
- Theme park admission (in Arizona and Out of Arizona)
- Books
These items have limits to how often they can be requested. Please be sure to check if your child has received any of these awards prior to submitting a funding request.
Arizona Helping Hands can assist with a personalized birthday package for your child, filled with toys, games, books and puzzles to lift their self-esteem.
Can I Get Reimbursed for My Purchases?
For award categories that are paid out on a reimbursement basis, you must complete the application process and be approved before making any purchases. AFFCF will notify you by email once your request has been approved. In this email, you will also find instructions how to be reimbursed for your purchases. AFFCF cannot reimburse for items or services paid for prior to receiving approval.
Receipts submitted 60 days after the date of approval may not be considered for reimbursement.
Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation
Address: 360 E Coronado Rd Suite 190, Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone: 602.252.9445